Welcome to this experimental site for Riley’s notes and musings.

How this site was built

This has been created using a mix of Obsidian, and Github Pages using Jekyll to compile and theme markdown files and build/deploy.

The theme is minima by Jekyll. I’ve set it up to run locally by doing

bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

But prior to that I had to

gem install jekyll

and ensure the path to Ruby was in my PATH variables in my .zshrc file

When I add a new file, I can simply run:

cd ~/Documents/Obsidian\ Vault/rillus.github.io
git add .
git commit -m "Blog update"
git push origin master

Any pushes to master branch will trigger a new build.deploy via Github Actions.


If the site doesn’t appear to update

  1. Ensure you pushed the new article!
  2. Check Github Actions to ensure the build ran
  3. Ensure the new blog filename doesn’t contain spaces (format: YYYY-MM-DD-title-goes-here - this creates a blog with a title of “Title Goes Here”, with that date)